
Most Valuable Elitist #296

Rising Star of the Week


This week’s Rising Star of the Week is Showdown’s debuting Elitist, ARIA! This week, ARIA had her first match on the EAW roster as she went up against Showdown’s Oliver Taylor! Your first match is always a huge opportunity as it’s your chance to make your first impression, and in the end ARIA made a fantastic first impression for herself as she managed to defeat Oliver. This was a huge victory for ARIA, just as the first victory would be for anyone, so congratulations to ARIA!

Beef of the Week

Ms. Extreme vs Donovan Duke

This week’s Beef of the Week goes to the main event match for Voltage, which was the match between Donovan Duke and the Universal Women’s Champion, Ms. Extreme. There was a lot to look forward to with this match as the two Elitists cost each other their Wicked Games matches, one of which resulting in New Eden taking control of Voltage, and in the end these two delivered as they both put out fantastic promos. Donovan and Ms. Extreme are both extremely talented and have the accolades to prove it, and this week ended up being very competitive between the two, making for a great week of promos.

Show of the Week


The Show of the Week for this week was Voltage! Voltage had an interesting show this week which started off when Drake King refused to reinstate the Extreme Elimination Chamber to the dismay of Minerva. Afterwards, Myles would issue an open challenge for Road to Redemption which would be answered by Cameron Ella Ava, and even with such a huge announcement, the show would continue its quality with great matches, including the match between Cameron and Specialists Champion Miku Sakai, and main event match for the night between Ms. Extreme and Donovan Duke. Overall, this was a fantastic show for Voltage. 

Match of the Week

Harper Lee vs Alex Myers

This week’s Match of the Week goes to the match between Harper Lee and Alex Myers, the main event of this week’s Showdown! This was a great Showdown versus Voltage match from start to finish, and it really showed how talented both Elitists are. This is the first time these two have ever faced each other, and in the end these two really delivered, putting on a great match that definitely deserved to be in the spot it was in on Showdown. 

Promoer of the Week

Dr. Bethany Blue

This week’s Promoer of the Week was former Specialists and Interwire Champion, Dynasty’s Dr. Bethany Blue! Dr. Bethany Blue has always been an extremely talented promoer, and this week she proved that once again as she went up against Lisa Wren. Dr. Bethany Blue made it clear this week that she’s already defeated a lot of top names in this company, and it’s no wonder why she’s been able to accomplish all that she has. Dr. Bethany Blue’s promos were fantastic this week, definitely proving once again that she’s an Elitist that everyone on Dynasty needs to be on the lookout for.

Champion of the Week

See Most Valuable Elitist

Most Valuable Elitist

Ms. Extreme

The Champion of the Week and the Most Valuable Elitist for this week is the Universal Women’s Champion, Ms. Extreme! This week on Voltage, Ms. Extreme looked to finish an issue that was started at Wicked Games when her and Donovan Duke would screw each other out of their matches, and in a match that was already pretty personal, the Universal Women’s Champion defeated the 24/7 Contract in the main event of this week’s Voltage, all in a fantastic match after a great week of promos. If there’s anything this week showed, it’s that Ms. Extreme is undoubtedly on the top of her game despite what happened at Wicked Games, and defeating her will never be easy.

Written by John Helms

SOSA Henderson

Jay Jerry Johnson