Lethal Consequences

The Inevitable

LC still here. The last two seasons have worn on LC, hardening him differently than the years have in the past. He’s weary of the status quo that has surrounded his name. He’s sick of the waves crashing calmly on his career. The last two seasons he ate everything that was fed to him. He took in every doubt that cats from the lowest to the highest put on his ability. He pissed on every barrier that was stuck in front of him, every fucker that stepped over him, cursing their names but still remaining under them. He put on stupid shows to fill airtime like he’s done immaculately since he was welcomed back in EAW. There’s no more warm welcomes coming from LC anymore, no more sly sighs and begrudging smirks. There’s only a spit to the face and a boot following it up to make sure it’s buffed into the skin. Stopping the bullshit and taking every goddamn thing that he’s eyeing on his way to standing on top of fools. It’s the return of the other, insane psycho sick savage raw rap rhyme motherfucker.

Written by Anna C. Flowers

Showdown 10/20/2018

Xander Payne