After many losses, Triple J took these past few shows, and then he started to find the point of what happened to him and what he was doing. He realized that now they are all haters because of his change from many people who love him to the cancel culture. He started to comprehend that he did something wrong, and that’s not being himself. He must learn and take every lesson to admit why he is still a failure in this company. His Personal interviewer/Foreign Relatives is the one who keeps supporting him, no matter how pathetic or impressive his lifestyle is going to be. First, He tried to ignore the “#BringBackOldJJJ” thing, but it seems like it’s not just people who want to annoy him, they really want him to be himself, and that’s how he realizes that he should do something about it. He will not try to get his ego to feed him all the time. Lowering his mindset doesn’t mean that it will do something with his in-ring brutality; he will keep it as forceful as possible. Out of that, He needs to know how to take his step to the next level that he desires to have, and that’s to be someone who knows his place and be careful with who he interacts with.