In October, EAW saw two of their three brand-exclusive marquee events in Justified Reckoning and No Regards! These shows both turned out to be huge successes that made the future of this season more promising than ever! These were both huge events with so much to offer, and in the end one Elitist had an amazing month, making her worthy of being October’s Elitist of the Month. That Elitist is none other than the new Universal Women’s Champion, Sienna Jade! At Justified Reckoning, Sienna had a match against Harper Lee for the Universal Women’s Champion after returning at Territorial Invasion and challenging the Champion to a match! Sienna Jade has already accomplished a lot in her career, having already held a World Championship in the past among many other achievements like the Unified Tag Team Championships and the National Elite Championship, and at the Dynasty event she managed to capture another huge accolade, defeating Harper and becoming the new Universal Women’s Champion! Sienna Jade managed to add a great accomplishment to her resume as she won her second World Championship, a title that she’s fought for in the past. Heading into the rest of the year Sienna Jade has proven that she’s not only here to stay, but she might just be better than ever. Congratulations to the new Universal Women’s Champion!