With the month of December, the year 2024 has come to an end. 2024 was an amazing year for EAW, but the year ended on a very high note with the final marquee event of the year, Road to Redemption. This was an incredible show filled with surprises, making this the perfect way to close out the year. With such a show, many Elitists would have amazing moments for themselves, and one of those Elitists had a standout night. The Elitist of the Month for the month of December is none other than the NEW EAW World Champion, Michael Machina! Michael Machina was one of the participants in Voltage’s Extreme Elimination Chamber, and in this match he had an extremely memorable performance. Michael Machina was not only the Elitist to eliminate Methuselah from the match, which is a very admirable feat in itself, but he’d go on to win the entire Chamber, winning his first World Championship just a few months after losing the New Breed Championship! Michael Machina has had an amazing year, and this was the best way he could’ve possibly closed it out. Michael Machina is heading into the new year as World Champion, and with how he’s been performing this could be one amazing reign. Congratulations to the new EAW World Champion!