(Fight Grid intro plays.)
(As usual, the camera fades to a shot of EAW Headquarters in Newark, New Jersey. The camera pans around the building for a little while, and afterwards the camera fades to the inside of the building, where Fight Grid Host Molly Waters is seen. She’s holding a microphone in her hands and has a smile on her face, and after a few seconds she begins to speak.)
Molly Waters: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fight Grid, your source for all news throughout the Land of Elite! As always I’m Molly Waters, and first things first I’d like to say happy holidays to the entire EAW universe! We’re all heading into the new year, but before you do I have something very interesting to report on today, that being an encounter between two Elitists back at A Hawaiian Christmas Show Spectacle! This event featured incredible matches all across the board, but it seems that the outcome of one of those matches led to the unseen footage that I now have for you today. Let’s take a look!
(The camera pans away from Molly Waters’ office, before showing the footage.)
[SCREENBAR – Mele Kalikimaka: A Hawaiian Christmas Show Spectacle]
(The camera fades to the backstage area of the War Memorial Stadium, where Sheridan Müller is seen walking through the hallway. Earlier in the night she faced Sienna Jade for the Universal Women’s Championship in a losing effort and it’s clear from the look on her face that she’s not too happy about it, but that’s not the only thing that is on her mind, as directly after the match Dr. Bethany Blue attacked Sienna before making it official that she’ll be facing Sienna for the title at King of Elite. With all that’s happened to the Prescription lately it’s a lot to take in, and this was clearly noticed by another Elitist.)
???: Um.. Are you okay?
(That person turns out to be Harper Lee, who Sheridan hadn’t noticed as she was thinking about all of the events that unfolded earlier. Harper is staring directly at Sheridan, as Sheridan nearly walked right into her as she was in such deep thought. These two already have history with each other after having faced off earlier in the season so they’re not exactly pleased to see each other, but their talk seems to be short-lived.)
Sheridan Müller: I don’t have time for this.
(Sheridan begins to walk off, but Harper stops her in her tracks before continuing to speak.)
Harper Lee: What, is it about your match earlier? Look I get it-
Sheridan Müller: No I don’t think you do, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t pretend otherwise. Yes, it does bother me that I lost tonight, but that’s far from the only thing I am dealing with right now. Ending the year empty handed is not what I imagined going into Road to Redemption, and with Dr. Bethany Blue now looking to take the Universal Women’s Championship herself, I’m not sure where the Prescription goes from here. I thought that after months of dominance in the tag team division, I was in a spot where I could continue finding success as a singles competitor. I had spent the entire season picking up major victories, one of them against you, and yet I failed to defeat Sienna and become the Universal Women’s Champion.
Harper Lee: Okay, well I don’t like Sienna Jade anymore than anybody else, but-
Sheridan Müller: No, you can just stop right there. Now’s not the time for this, I’m not here to talk.
(Sheridan walks past Harper, pushing past her with her shoulder. This obviously doesn’t sit well with Harper who immediately turns to Sheridan, but seeing that Sheridan is already walking away and no longer interested in speaking, Harper just shakes her head.)
Harper Lee: What the hell was that about??
(The two Elitists part ways, neither in the best mood following that encounter, and this would be the end of the video as the camera returns to the office of Molly Waters.)
Molly Waters: These two Elitists have faced each other before as Sheridan Müller picked up the victory in their match on Voltage earlier in the season. I’m not too sure what this means for both Elitists as Sheridan was not willing to have a lengthy conversation, but if there’s any updates you’ll be hearing it from here first! Thank you for joining us today, as always I’m Molly Waters, signing out.
(Molly gives a wave to the camera as it begins to fade out, showing one more shot of EAW headquarters. After panning around the building one last time, the camera fades to black.)